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Mr Lander's Primary Planning

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(based on 36 reviews)

I am an Assistant Headteacher at an outstanding North London primary school. Throughout all my teaching career, I have strongly believed that we make the best learning happen when we inspire pupils. The resources I publish are therefore intended to do exactly that and to offer a challenging and engaging learning experience to pupils of all abilities. I hope you will find something here that inspires you!




I am an Assistant Headteacher at an outstanding North London primary school. Throughout all my teaching career, I have strongly believed that we make the best learning happen when we inspire pupils. The resources I publish are therefore intended to do exactly that and to offer a challenging and engaging learning experience to pupils of all abilities. I hope you will find something here that inspires you!
Looking after Creation (Stewardship) - KS1 RE

Looking after Creation (Stewardship) - KS1 RE

A lesson for KS1 on why humans need to look after creation and how climate change could cause big problems for children today when they grow up and their own children in the future. Includes a video and the pupil activity is differentiated three ways.
Creation Stories  Lessons - KS1 RE Unit

Creation Stories Lessons - KS1 RE Unit

6 Resources
A unit for Y1/2 on the creation stories of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and the scientific narrative. Pupils look at why humans tell creation stories, what science says about the creation of the universe, world and humanity, the creation stories of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism, why it is important to care for the Earth and how we can do this.
Easter Sunday Story Lesson - KS1 RE

Easter Sunday Story Lesson - KS1 RE

A lesson for KS1 exploring the meaning behind the Easter Sunday story. Lesson includes a video that explains the key events of the story, as told in the Bible. The pupil activity is differentiated three ways.
Good Friday (Crucifixion of Jesus) Lesson - KS1 RE

Good Friday (Crucifixion of Jesus) Lesson - KS1 RE

A lesson for KS1 on the story of Good Friday in which pupils work in groups to dramatise the story, then use this to retell what happened in ‘storyboard’ form. Lesson includes a video recounting the key events of the story. The pupil activity is differentiated three ways.
Evolution/The Big Bang Creation Theory - KS1 RE

Evolution/The Big Bang Creation Theory - KS1 RE

This is a lesson for KS1 on what science tells us about how the universe and world was made, including the theories of the ‘big bang’ and evolution. The lesson features a video of the book ‘Grandmother Fish’ and is followed by a pupil activity that is differentiated three ways.
Palm Sunday Story Lesson - KS1 RE

Palm Sunday Story Lesson - KS1 RE

A lesson explaining to pupils the significance of the Palm Sunday story and challenging them to retell it in ‘storyboard’ form. Includes a video recounting the events of Palm Sunday as told in the Bible. The pupil activity is differentiated three ways.
Importance of Lent to Christians - KS1 RE

Importance of Lent to Christians - KS1 RE

A resource for Y1/2 on the story behind Lent and Shrove Tuesday. Features a video that explains the key beliefs and practices of Christians. The pupil activities are differentiated three ways (‘mild’, ‘spicy’ and ‘hot’)